Wednesday, May 19, 2010

This Time Around...

Most every time I get a bout of depression I end up shoving my face, being in active, sleeping all the time. Not wanting to be around people. This time around. I am forcing myself to get the adequate amount of calories, I am not sleeping at all, and still don't want to be around people. In fact there is a hot stranger sitting outside with my room mates girlfriend who I just rather not meet. Due, to my lack of sleep I am really exhausted I have not worked out since Saturday. I wake up feeling tired and go through my day tired force myself not to sleep when I get home from work, hoping I will sleep well at night. It does not work I wake up every 30 minutes to 45 minutes. This morning I woke up way too late. Forgot to weigh in. But I did measure this afternoon when I was on my lunch break:
Bust: 51 inches (-1in)
Waist: 47.5 (-3.5in)
Hips: 58 (-2 in)

I am excited for those numbers! My late afternoon session was not so great. I got bite by a kid who was mad, thanks for the bruise! I hit my head in his play house not once but twice and now have a raging headache. I have eaten today 8 oz soy milk, 1 sc of slimfast, 2 servings of home made crab salad, and 3 servings of raspberry lemonade icee and I am way not hungry. So, we shall see if I end up eating dinner tonight or not.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, those numbers totally ROCK!!! Hope you did a happy dance for that one!

