Thursday, April 15, 2010


I started a new book called Eat That Frog! By: Brian Tracy. It is 21 ways to stop procrastinating. Funny thing is I was procrastinating on reading the book. It is almost due at the library so now I have to get in gear and stop the stalling. The first exercise is to write a list of ten things I would like to accomplish this year. But, to write them in pretense like I have accomplished them.
1. I weigh 230 pounds
2. I have more friends
3. I have love in my life
4. I make good money
5. I am organized
6. I am healthy in my eating
7. I work out every day
8. I have visited my mom
9. I love myself
I think that is the only goals I can think of right now. So now I need to put them in order of importance.
1. I eat healthy
2. I work out every day
3. I weight 230 pounds
4. I have more friends.
5. I have love in my life.
6. I make good money.
7. I am organized
8.I love myself
9. I have visited my mom
I know it seems wierd that I love myself is so low down on my list, however, I feel like the other things need to happen first before I can accomplish that goal. The book also says to play your days your weeks and months. To have goals lists for each of them. It follows the the 10/90 play 10% planning will save 90% of your time. I am not going to put you through my daily schedule I have a planning book I use for work so I will fit in the times to work out. If its on my calendar I will do it.

*Edit* I worked out: 3 sets of 15 crunches
3 sets of 15 squats
3 sets of 15 triceps
15 minutes of walking I need to get better shoes my arch hurts really bad when I walk.
2 servings of slim fast
Snack: protien bar
Lunch: 2 eggs w/cup of spinach, 1/4c. grated cheese
Snack: Protien bar
Dinner: shrimp with bok choy

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