Tuesday, July 3, 2012


So, I stepped on the scale this morning thinking I was going to get another disappointment with another ERROR. But, I stepped off with mixed emotions. I am happy that there is no more ERROR however number SUCKS. My all time high of 392.7. My boyfriend owns the scale and he thinks it went up to 400 so that is at least 7.3 lost in a little less then a week. I also remeasured and I have lost 5.5 inches.
Today, I was woken up by a storm and jumped out of bed to shut windows and doors. Instead of going back to bed I did a 20 minute yoga/pilates infusion work out that I found on sparkpeople.com.
Here is the hopeful menu for the day
2 Eggs
2 Sausage Patties
Left over Japanese Curry over rice
Three cheese Chicken sausauge
Bell Pepper
Yellow Potato

1 comment:

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